pl en
Wooden box / Large boxes / ANIMAL HOUSE, KENNEL


90,00 zl
Product description

A house for smaller animals such as cats, dogs or other small pets.

This is an extremely original product, as it is made of AD-81 military crates made entirely of wood.

Such a house is a great solution to prevent our small pets from freezing during colder days.

In order to provide thermal protection, inside there is a felt pad or hay - a version of your choice.

Inside there is also a wall that acts as a windbreak.

To the box (house) we also add a rubber bag to protect it from rain - for self-assembly.

The center of the boxes may be tan - we send randomly.

NOTE: Crates may not have metal handles on the sides, they may differ in color.


    Width - 81 cm

    Height - 25 cm

    Depth - 51 cm

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